Big Ass Solutions: Beyond the Big Fans

Big Ass Solutions, also known as Big Ass Fans, is an American company that manufactures and sells large industrial, agricultural, and commercial ceiling fans. They are renowned for their unique designs and energy-efficient technology.

Here’s a deeper look into Big Ass Solutions:


  • Big Ass Fans: These range in size from 6 to 24 feet in diameter, significantly larger than typical household fans. Their patented airfoil designs, inspired by airplane wings, allow them to move large volumes of air quietly and efficiently.
  • Big Ass Light: This division offers energy-efficient LED lighting fixtures specifically designed for industrial, commercial, and even residential spaces.
  • Haiku Home: This is their residential brand, offering stylish and energy-saving ceiling fans for homes.

Market Focus and Impact:

  • Big Ass Solutions caters to various sectors, including warehouses, factories, farms, airports, and even sports arenas. Their large fans help improve air circulation, ventilation, and cooling, reducing energy consumption and creating a more comfortable environment.
  • The company emphasizes sustainability by offering energy-efficient products and responsible manufacturing practices.

Company History and Recognition:

  • Founded in 1999, Big Ass Solutions has grown from a small startup to a prominent player in the industrial fan industry.
  • They have received recognition for their innovative designs and commitment to sustainability, earning features in various publications and awards.

Additional Points:

  • Headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky, Big Ass Solutions also has offices in various locations across the US and internationally.
  • The company name, while unconventional, aims to reflect the size and power of their products.

By understanding these details, you gain a broader understanding of Big Ass Solutions and their unique position in the market.

While Big Ass Solutions’ large, iconic fans are indeed their claim to fame, the company offers more than just impressive size and air circulation. Here’s a deeper dive into their offerings and impact:

Product Innovation and Customization:

  • Beyond size: Big Ass Solutions offers fans with various functionalities, including high-velocity options for specific industrial applications and low-noise models for sensitive environments.
  • Control systems: They provide advanced control systems that allow users to manage fan speed, direction, and scheduling to optimize performance and energy efficiency.
  • Customization options: Big Ass Solutions offers various customization options, such as paint colors, logos, and blade configurations, to cater to specific client needs and aesthetics.

Expanding Beyond Industrial Applications:

  • Haiku Home: As mentioned earlier, Haiku Home caters to the residential market with stylish and silent ceiling fans featuring energy-saving features and smart home integration capabilities.
  • Big Ass Light: This division goes beyond just lighting, offering integrated sensor technology for occupancy detection and daylight harvesting, further enhancing energy efficiency.

Sustainability and Community Involvement:

  • Energy Efficiency: Big Ass Solutions prioritizes energy efficiency in its products, with their fans often reducing energy consumption by up to 30% compared to traditional methods.
  • Manufacturing Practices: They strive for responsible manufacturing practices, including recycling materials and minimizing their environmental footprint.
  • Community Engagement: The company actively engages in community initiatives by supporting local organizations and promoting STEM education.

Looking Forward:

Big Ass Solutions continues to innovate and expand its product offerings. They are exploring emerging technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) integration and artificial intelligence to further enhance their products’ functionality and efficiency. Additionally, they are looking to strengthen their global presence and cater to the diverse needs of international markets.

By understanding these details, you gain a comprehensive picture of Big Ass Solutions, not just as a manufacturer of large fans, but as a company committed to innovation, sustainability, and creating a positive impact on the communities they serve.tunesharemore_vert

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