Exciting News for the entire Town | Super-Fast Internet Coming to Sexsmith

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August 18, 2023, SEXSMITH, AB /CNW/ – Hold on to your hats because Sexsmith is experiencing incredible events right now! By constructing new telecommunications facilities (underground fiber optic cables) to provide fast internet to the entire Town, Northern Lights Fiber is making a significant difference.

Sexsmith will become a pioneer in the digital sphere thanks to this unique undertaking. Families and companies will both benefit from it, and it will provide many new opportunities. Sexsmith will be able to count on the freshly installed broadband via Northern Lights Fiber to deliver continuously super-fast internet.

Best things about this new super-fast internet:

Crazy Fast Speed: Everyone in town will be able to access the internet incredibly rapidly, including houses and businesses. Even when several people are online at once, you can still watch videos, download files, and make calls via video without any issues.

It’s similar to having a brand-new information superhighway that will make talking, learning, and conducting business quicker and more trustworthy than ever!

The new internet is extremely robust and never stops working. Your won’t have to be concerned about it abruptly buffering or ending since it will constantly be there’s when you need it.

Future-Ready: The current internet is built to work with wonderful futuristic technology. It’s like investing in a super-smart gadget that will be utilized for decades to come.

Increased Employment and Cool Stuff: Sexsmith will attract new firms, remote workers, and people with amazing ideas thanks to its super-fast internet. The Town will become more appealing to new firms and economic growth as a result!

Best News for Canadian Fiber Optics

“The Town of Sexsmith is pleased with the arrival of Canadian Fiber Optics. We think this is a chance for the local economy to thrive, greatly boosting possibilities for connectivity and accessible network speed for both local companies and citizens.

In today’s business world, we know that a company’s performance is directly correlated with the quality of its internet connection, while we also know that households largely rely on these kinds of services on a daily basis. Enhancing this service will attract new business and enhance the standard of living for locals in Sexsmith. Kate Potter, mayor

“The Town of Sexsmith is pleased with the arrival of Canadian Fiber Optics. We think this is a chance for the local economy to thrive, greatly boosting possibilities for connectivity and accessible network speed for both local companies and citizens.

Northern Lights Fiber will continue to post updates?

In today’s business world, we know that a company’s performance is directly correlated with the quality of its internet connection, and we also know that families largely rely on these services on a daily basis. Enhancing this service will attract new business and enhance the standard of living for locals in Sexsmith. Kate Potter, mayor

This next upgraded internet will be available this autumn. To ensure everything goes properly and that everyone is aware of how amazing this new internet will be, the team at Northern Lights Fiber will continue to post information on our website, www.lightupsexsmith.ca, and our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/Northern Lights Fiber Sexsmith.

To improve the internet in Sexsmith, the company Northern Lights Fiber has made a major investment in new infrastructure. We’re excited to spread extremely quick internet to everyone and are honored to be a part of this exciting shift.

Call them to find out how you can get your home connected

A startup called Northern Lights Fiber is committed to bridging the digital divide and guaranteeing a digital future for remote communities in Alberta. Everyone in Sexsmith will soon have access to the advantages of having fast and dependable internet since it is suitable for all ages and demographics.

It’s crucial that Northern Lights Fiber hears from every house or company to make sure that we can prepare your place of business for this new digital infrastructure, regardless of whether you feel you need fiber-based internet right away. Call them to see how you may receive entirely free fiber infrastructure for your home connection! Before the promotion ends, move swiftly.

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