VoLTE vs. VoIP: What’s the Difference?

Although these two technologies have a similar sound, they differ significantly when it comes to placing calls.

Key Takeaways

  • Alternative ways to make phone calls are provided by the two distinct communication technologies known as VoIP and VoLTE.
  • VoIP communicates through Wi-Fi, whereas VoLTE does so over 4G LTE.
  • VoLTE is only supported by smartphones and smartwatches, but VoIP is more versatile and available on a variety of devices and platforms.

There are numerous ways to make a phone call in modern times. Yes, you can choose between the conventional approach and non-traditional ones like VoIP and VoLTE. You might find these two communication protocols to be effective, but they are not interchangeable. Before using either, you should take into account the significant differences between VoIP and VoLTE.

VoIP vs. VoLTE: A Quick Comparison

To have a general understanding of how VoIP and VoLTE operate, let’s quickly compare their key features before getting into the details.

After going over the fundamentals, let’s go deep into VoIP and VoLTE.

What Is VoIP?

VoIP, or voice over internet protocol, is a kind of communication that bypasses cell tower signals in favor of Wi-Fi. A Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), which supports landline and mobile calls, is necessary for your ordinary phone conversation. VoIP, on the other hand, can operate only through the internet.

Many of us now make voice calls through the internet. There are possibilities for making online calls on Instagram, Messenger, and Snapchat, but VoIP is not exactly the same as this. VoIP allows you to use your phone number while other internet calling services need you to register without a phone number.

VoIP uses data packets to transmit

Anyone can use VoIP, but organizations searching for a more cheap solution to make numerous phone calls each day tend to use it the most. Of course, maintaining a Wi-Fi network costs money, but wired phone calls can frequently be more expensive. In general, VoIP allows enterprises to save more money. By converting to VoIP, a firm can save, on average, between 50 and 70 percent on phone costs and 40 percent on calling costs, which can reduce expenses.

Moreover, VoIP does away with the requirement for several phone lines, which, depending on how your business is set up, could be a logistical nightmare. One line can connect many VoIP phones, substantially simplifying installation. However, you may also connect your smartphone to your smartwatch if you want to use VoIP on it for more useful use while driving.

Additionally, you stand to gain if you use VoIP personally. Some VoIP providers provide completely free services, allowing you to lower your monthly call minutes and stay under your cap.

However, VoIP is not without drawbacks.

You won’t be able to make VoIP calls, for example, if your Wi-Fi network goes down or if your broadband provider has a problem, until everything is fixed. Furthermore, VoIP is vulnerable to hackers because it depends on an internet connection. A cybercriminal may be able to listen in on phone conversations and take private information if your VoIP network isn’t secure. If the hack is made public, this could endanger consumers or staff and harm a company’s brand.

Denial-of-service attacks are another risk that VoIP-dependent businesses and VoIP providers must be aware of. VoIP.ms, a supplier of VoIP services, experienced a denial of service attack in 2021, which caused disruptions in its network and prevented customers from placing VoIP calls. VoIP has increased potential for abuse as it becomes more popular with consumers and companies.

What Is VoLTE?

The communication protocol known as VoLTE, or voice over long-term evolution, is another one that differs from standard call-making. LTE and 4G LTE are terms you may be familiar with. Many people don’t understand what a “LTE” symbol in the top icon bar on some smartphones actually represents.

Despite being a bridge between the 3G and 4G cellular evolutions, LTE is mostly connected to the latter. Prior to 4G, LTE was first introduced in 2008 and addresses data transmission delay while offering substantially better connection rates than 3G. With these increased speeds came the thought of using LTE networks for voice calls. Voila! VoLTE.

Twelve significant telecommunications firms worked together on the “One Voice” project in 2009. VoIP already existed at the time, but these telecom companies believed VoLTE could address several VoIP problems, including poor sound quality and constrained bandwidth. How then does VoLTE operate?


VoIP uses Wi-Fi to make calls, whereas VoLTE transmits voice over data plans using 4G LTE. But that only involves placing a voice call over the internet, right?

Not exactly. Similar to VoIP, VoLTE enables you to use your existing phone number to make calls over the internet. As a result, your cell service provider will count your VoLTE calls as phone minutes. VoLTE should be supported by your cell phone provider, as it is with most major carriers.

VoLTE’s ability to sustain connected without relying on a Wi-Fi network is fantastic. You are ready to go and don’t need a router if the local data signal is strong. When a Wi-Fi network is not available, VoLTE provides superior coverage and can be used when traveling.

VolTe Use in Call Coverage

VoLTE doesn’t require an app to use, in contrast to VoIP. VoLTE can be turned on and off in your phone’s settings. As long as you’re connected to a 4G network, you should be able to use VoLTE once it’s activated. VoLTE is probably already active on your smartphone, and you’ve probably used it without even realizing it! Other gadgets, such as your smartwatch, can also use VoLTE.

VoLTE isn’t flawless, though. One issue with this communication protocol is the constrained device compatibility. VoLTE is typically less dependable for constantly strong connections because it doesn’t require any form of physical wires.

Should You Use VoIP or VoLTE?

Depending on the device you’re using, you may have to choose between VoIP and VoLTE. You must use VoIP or conventional calling if your device isn’t 4G LTE compatible. VoLTE may not be supported by your phone even though it can connect to 4G.

An IP phone is wonderful when it comes to VoIP, but since VoIP phones are not smartphones, this can be highly restrictive. Consider the scenario where you must make a lot of calls for work. Perhaps you want to use VoIP on your smartphone personally, not for work, and don’t want to deal with managing two different devices.

Standard Handset

Do not fret, though; VoIP is still accessible on standard handsets. You must have access to a VoIP service, which is typically available as an app. Popular VoIP applications include Zoom, Ring Central, and Teamspeak. There are additional services that offer VoIP that you may already be a member of, such WhatsApp and Discord.

Both VoIP and VoLTE can be great substitutes for traditional calling in a business setting. If your business makes a lot of overseas calls, VoIP is the greatest option because it doesn’t require a cellular network, sparing you from high international calling charges. Even if you have a large number of family members and acquaintances who live abroad, VoIP can still help you save money.

VoLTE, on the other hand, offers quicker setup times and better sound quality, so you might prefer it if you or your company mostly makes in-country phone calls. VoLTE also provides a simple VoIP substitute if your router is acting up while waiting for everything to get back up and running. Since the majority of contemporary products support both technologies, you can quickly switch between them if that suits your lifestyle better.

There’s More Than One Way to Call Someone

The days of using your cell provider’s service just to make wired network calls are long gone. You can enjoy speaking with friends, family, and coworkers now that Wi-Fi and data are available, whether it’s for personal or professional purposes.

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